Eric Séheux

Éric is Chairman of the company. Before setting up Officium Asset Management, he was responsible for large private investors at Lombard Odier bank in Paris. For more than 20 years, Éric has managed the asset allocation of high-net-worth private clients with financial assets approaching those of institutional investors. As part of this activity, he has been involved in the creation of listed and unlisted investment funds, the completion of several equity transactions (company sales and acquisitions, LBOs) and the reorganization of several companies: intergenerational donations (Dutreil), creation of animating holding companies, implementation of shareholders’ agreements. Éric is a member of the teaching team at AUREP (Association Universitaire pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement en Gestion de Patrimoine), where he teaches private equity investment. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics and a Master II in Economics and Finance from Paris X University.